4. Sequential statement

  • Sequential statements are specified inside a process.
  • Processes represent fundamental method by which concurrent activities are modeled.

4.1. The process construct

  • A process is a large concurrent statement that itself contains a series of sequential statements.
  • The body of the process is treated by VHDL as a single concurrent statement and is executed at the same time as all other concurrent statements in the simulation.

4.1.1. Process with a sensitivity list

The sensitivity list is a list of signal to which the process responds.

signal a, b, c, y: std_logic; -- in architecture declaration
process (a, b, c) -- in architecture body
    y <= a and b and c; -- infer a combinational circuit
end process;
signal a, b, c, y: std_logic;
process (a) -- a process with incomplete sensitivity list
           -- not infer a combinational circuit
    y <= a and b and c;
end process;

4.1.2. Process with a wait statement

A process with wait statements has one or more wait statement but no sensitivity list.

  1. wait on signals;
  2. wait until boolean_expression;
  3. wait for time_expression;
    y <= a and b and c;
    wait on a, b, c;
end process;

4.2. Sequential statements

4.2.1. sequential signal assignment statement

Signal-object <= expression [after delay-value];

  • Outside a process – concurrent signal assignment statement
  • Within a process – sequential signal assignment, executed in sequence with respect to the other sequential statement which appear within that process.
  • When a signal assignment statement is executed, the value of expression is computed immediately, and this computed value is scheduled to be assigned to the signal after the specified delay.
  • Inside a process, a signal can be assigned multiple times. If all assignments are with 𝛿-delay, only the last assignment takes effect.
signal a, b, c, d, y: std_logic;
process(a, b, c, d)
    y <= a or c;
    y <= a and b;
    y <= c and d;
end process;
signal a, b, c, d, y: std_logic;
process(a, b, c, d)
    y <= c and d;
end process;
  • Although this segment is easy to understand, multiple assignment may introduce subtle mistakes in a more complex code and make synthesis very difficult.
  • Unless there is a compelling reason, it is a good idea to avoid assign a signal multiple times in a process. The only exception is the assignment of a default value in the if and case statement.
  • The result will be very different if the multiple assignments are the concurrent signal assignment statements
signal a, b, c, d, y: std_logic;
-- the statements are not inside a process
y <= a or c;
y <= a and b;
y <= c and d;
  • The above code is syntactically correct.
  • However, the design is incorrect because of the potential output conflict.

4.2.2. variable assignment statement

  • Variables can be declared and used inside a process statement.
  • Variable assignment statement: variable-object := expression;
  • Variable assignment is immediate.
Signal a, b, y : std_logic;
process (a, b) is
     variable temp : std_logic;
    temp := ‘0’;
    temp := temp or a;
    temp := temp or b;
    y <= temp;
end process;

4.2.3. if statement

  • An if statement selects a sequence of statements for execution based on the value of a condition.
  • General form of an if statement


4-to-1 multiplexer based on an if statement

architecture if_arch of mux4 is
    process(In0, In1, In2, In3, S)
        if (S = “00”) then
            Z <= In0;
        elsif (S = “01”) then
            Z <= In1;
        elsif (S = “10”) then
            Z <= In2;
        else Z <= In3;
        end if;
    end process;
end if_arch;


4-to-2 priority encoder based on an if statement

architecture if_arch of pr_encoder is
        if (S(3) = ‘1’) then
            Z <= “11”;
        elsif (S(2) = ‘1’) then
            Z <= “10”;
        elsif (S(1) = ‘1’) then
            Z <= “01”;
        else Z <= “00”;
        end if;
    end process;
end if_arch; Comparison to a conditional assignment statement

  • An if statement is somewhat like a concurrent conditional signal assignment statement.
sig <= value_exp1 when boolean_exp1 else
      value_exp2 when boolean_exp2 else
      value_exp3 when boolean_exp3 else
if boolean_exp1 then sig <= value_exp1;
elsif  boolean_exp2 then sig <= value_exp2;
elsif  boolean_exp3  then sig <= value_exp3;
else sig <= value_expn;
end if;
end process;
  • The above two statements are equivalent.
  • In general, equivalent only if each branch of the if statement consists of a single assignment of the same single signal.
  • An if statement allows for arbitrary nesting of if statement.
process (CTRL1, CTRL2)
   if CTRL1 = ‘1’ then
if CTRL2 = ‘0’ then
    MUX_OUT <= “0010”;
    MUX_OUT <= “0001”;
end if;
if CTRL2 = ‘0’ then
    MUX_OUT <= “1000”;
    MUX_OUT <= “0100”
end if;
   end if;
end process; Incomplete if branch

  • In VHDL, only the then branch is mandatory and the other branches can be omitted.

4.2.4. case statement

  • A case is a multiway branch based on the value ofstatement a control expression
  • General form of a case statement


4-to-1 multiplexer based on a case statement

architecture case_arch of mux4 is
    process(In0, In1, In2, In3, S)
        case S is
             when “00” =>
                Z <= In0;
             when “01” =>
                Z <= In1;
             when “10” =>
                Z <= In2;
             when others
                Z <= In3;
        end case;
    end process;
end case_arch;


4-to-2 priority encoder based on a case statement

architecture case_arch of pr_encoder is
        case S is
             when “1000” | “1001” | “1010” | “1011” |
                  “1100” | “1101” | “1110” | “1111”  =>
                Z <= “11”;
             when “0100” | “0101” | “0110” | “0111” =>
                Z <= “10”;
             when “0010” | “0011” =>
                Z <= “01”;
             when others
                Z <= “00”;
        end case;
    end process;
end case_arch;


A two-process half-adder model

4.2.5. null statement

The statement null; is a sequential statement that does not cause any action to take place;

4.3. More on process

  • Upon initialization all processes are executed once, or suspended on some form of the wait statement reached.

  • Thereafter, processes are executed in a data-driven manner: activated

    • by events on signals in the sensitivity list of the process or
    • by waiting for the occurrence of specific event using the wait statement.


Signal assignment with process

  • All of the ports of the entity and the signals declared within an architecture are visible within a process.
  • These port and signals can be read or assigned values from within a process; this is how processes can communicate among themselves.


Communicating processes
